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♥Friday, May 7, 2010

Just arrived home not long from amk ;D met up with vjrl whee~ very long never laugh until so crazy ;x go gonna get itouch together with rs ;D she's gonna get it too~ wahahaha hope can go for movie altgt again soon ;D its been such a long time hahas just now hl asked us to gauge how long more we can continue to meet up and my answer was: until the day when we all become grandmothers ;D seriously, i thought about this before ;x meeting up once in a while to say all we want until we are old, its like so far yet so near ;x haha neemind~ jas birthday is coming soon ;D me gonna go sleep soon tomorrow got work );


Out Of Bounds:D
11:19 PM

♥Thursday, May 6, 2010

Finally met up with jiejie ;D passed her the sweets and got a warm hug ;D feel so much better except for the headache im having now .___. freaking bad >: hope i dont need to mc tomorrow ); i hate headaches more than any kind of sickness RAHHHH


Out Of Bounds:D
5:54 PM

♥Monday, May 3, 2010

Addicted to Sticky sweets currently~ tomorrow going to buy a jar and some for other friends ;D waiting for jiejie to collect her share ;x COUNTING DOWN TO MY NEXT PAY !!!! I WANT ITOUCH!!! the 16gb de ;3 friday finally meeting up again with vjrl ;D hope they wont have anything urgent cropping up ); jasmine birthday coming! then next month got andrea and nee san ;x going to have my tonic soup ;x ja ne ;D just a short update today (;


Out Of Bounds:D
9:59 PM

♥Tuesday, April 20, 2010

had a sprain, woke up on monday with a stiff neck =.= i hate that more than anything else >: PEEPS: I NEVER MIA D; please ask me to relink if you have changed your url ); i'm just too busy with my attachment, from 1 admin jobs to relaxing to 1 admin + 1 cover up to 1 admin + 1 more job to now 3 jobs =.= yesterday never go work one day nia the invoices are piled up .___. and im not gonna care if they thought i skipped work on purpose anot -.- its my friend's fault for not remembering such an important thing = inform the company >.> i reached the company in shock ._. she didnt tell me she did not inform them until i reached to meet up with her before heading for the office zzzz so fucking sian ._. hardly have anytime to online... but i managed to spare some time out to go out with meow meow ;3 getting my pay soon~ "looking forward to it" *cross fingers* but i dont think they will be that nice to pay me 2 jobs amount? =.= why the fuck is mine so hard from other people? >.> its just the 6th week btw 9 more weeks to go ._.


Out Of Bounds:D
9:49 PM

♥Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Will be going for interview at misa travel agency on monday =.= my sip location ._. getting new specs though ;D heehee and i found someone who will be going to the same sip location as me woohoo and im not as suay as geok to be attach so far wahaha ;x waiting for sa maintenance to be over ;3 dang long ;3 looking forward to my btt test on tuesday ;D hope i will pass in one try ;D gambatte ne ;D


Out Of Bounds:D
2:06 PM