Got a new cousin this year on the 2nd if i remebered correctly =X quite some time and i forgot already lols actually i thought my brother will be the youngest grandson in our family but another one was born this year by my second uncle and until now he's not a month old yet...he's mixed blood by the way...his mother is an Indonesian to me he's like an international baby lol because if he grows up and learns the languages around him like Malay,Chinese,English,Hokkien and Cantonese he will have learnt 5 basic language already lol...and his eyes really beautiful and big haha but when he was born he wasn't heavy enough although his mother's womb was normal size =X and his skin is abit dark too. And i sprained my ankle a few days ago...dont ask me how i got the sprain lols cause i also not very sure =X it still hurts now ><" and the new cousin's pictures if i'm not wrong or if my uncle didnt change his mind about his name, he will be named陈桀聖
PS:(he was forced to open his eyes and we waited for him to open his eyes willingly before we left =X)